We’re having our very first TwiBite prize give-a-way and this is your chance to win some limited edition Breaking Dawn Part 2 swag from Comic-Con 2012 and an autographed Lee MacDougall CD! (If you’re not familiar with Lee’s music yet, trust me… you’ll love it!!)
Grand prize: Three Breaking Dawn Part 2 11x17” mini posters of the cast, Edward and Jacob, light up BD2 necklace, Edward pin, Jacob pin, Breaking Dawn Part 1 5x7” “Save the Date” magnet, and autographed Lee MacDougall CD “If Walls Could Talk.”
But wait, there’s more…. we also have three runner up prizes!
But wait, there’s more…. we also have three runner up prizes!
Runner up prizes: Three Breaking Dawn Part 2 11x17” mini posters of the cast, Edward and Jacob, Edward pin, Jacob pin
True to my general philosophy of keeping things simple (ie: I’m a lazy procrastinator), I’ll make this super easy. All you have to do is follow me on Twitter. I apologize ahead of time that my tweets might not be all that interesting, but them’s the rules. If you’re already one of my Twitter followers, then please leave a comment on this post and you will be entered as well. And... if you’re feeling particularly generous today, you can also become a blog follower on the upper right sidebar. There won’t be any extra contest entries in it for you, but you’ll make a lazy procrastinator very happy.
Winners will be chosen by a random computer randomizing program and I promise that all results will be strictly random. Contest runs now through Monday, November 5th at 12pm PST and winners will be notified via Twitter direct message and announced on this blog.
I’ll mail prizes out to you right away or can bring them to Breaking Dawn 2 Tent City if you’d like to use the posters for autographs. Good luck and don’t forget to follow me on Twitter to win!
I’ll mail prizes out to you right away or can bring them to Breaking Dawn 2 Tent City if you’d like to use the posters for autographs. Good luck and don’t forget to follow me on Twitter to win!
TwiloveSue XOXO
P.S. Be sure to go check out Lee MacDougall at www.leemacdougallmusic.com or download his music on iTunes!