If you think I told many people that I know in “real life” about my plan to live in a tent for a week crammed into the center plaza of a downtown LA entertainment complex with hundreds of other people just for the privilege of watching some young actors (whom I may or may not actually get to talk to) walk into a theater to see the premiere of a movie about vampire and werewolves (that I may or may not actually get in to see), well, then you would be wrong. I made all sorts of vague excuses to friends and clients as I packed up my Sharpies, Poptarts, and Edward blanket and escaped reality with my little gang of 14 warriors.
Camping out for the premiere was both an exhausting emotional roller coaster and an exhilaratingly awesome celebration with friends of all things Twilight. True, there were a few dark times that I passionately wanted to hurt someone, but I still consider it to be one of the best weeks ever. Once we got past the ridiculously unfair wristband distribution process (believe me, Summit heads should roll for that) and finally settled into our cozy little campsite, life was good. We were very bummed, though, that part of our group got separated from us in the wristband inquisition and we weren’t able to camp right next to each other.
Camping out for the premiere was both an exhausting emotional roller coaster and an exhilaratingly awesome celebration with friends of all things Twilight. True, there were a few dark times that I passionately wanted to hurt someone, but I still consider it to be one of the best weeks ever. Once we got past the ridiculously unfair wristband distribution process (believe me, Summit heads should roll for that) and finally settled into our cozy little campsite, life was good. We were very bummed, though, that part of our group got separated from us in the wristband inquisition and we weren’t able to camp right next to each other.
Over the course of our time camping, there were surprise visits from 12 cast members and other people associated with the movie. Every single one of them was very friendly and gracious, taking time to meet and thank us for our support of the movies.
On the first night of camping, Kellan Lutz brought 40 dozen Krispy Kreme donuts to hand out to fans, but the Nokia Center security wouldn’t let him because they said it was some sort of a food violation. They must have feared that either he was going to try to poison us or the crowd would be overcome by a sugar rush and attack.
Kiowa Gordon showed up late at night to play a little acoustic music with his band, but we were so tired after being up for over 24 hours that we slept right through it (even though he was apparently right next to our tent for a little while). I'd like to think, though, that I would have sensed Rob's presence and awoken even from a coma.
The absolute coolest surprise was when Stephenie Meyer showed up to pass out autographed books and pose for pictures. She took her time to personally give a book to each person and thank them for being there. It meant so much to me to be able to thank her for the great impact she’s had on my life.
On the second night, we were treated to a concert by six bands from the Breaking Dawn soundtrack and emceed by Charlie Bewley. Charlie is one of those people who have personality plus and he was very entertaining, as always.

You know the rule, every post ends with an awesome picture of Rob to send us merrily along our way with a smile on our faces and a song in our hearts.
TwiloveSue XOXO
TwiloveSue XOXO
Sue, I live vicariously through you. What an awesome recap of your adventures. Why is it that the minute I move from Cali, all sorts of cool things happen! So jealous and wish I had been there.
Suz - Well, you know you could always visit... got any plans next November? ;)
Bahahaha!! That picture of Charlie B hanging himself, omg I'm snorting all over myself!
It was lovely to lean against Kellan's wide, firm, chest, feeling the warmth emanate from his body as he gazed into my eyes...fanfic anyone?
I cant get over Charlie and the Blue tiger striped knickers peeping out of his pants. :)
I so want to do tentcity2012 with you guys but I'm not sure the hubs would be as understanding as papa_cougar.
Z - I'm so glad you share my joy in watching people do weird things :) Charlie is most definitely a character.
Tigerkitten - If only there was a way to make your hubby think it was his idea! Last night my husband saw the BD trailer on TV and asked me incredulously, "They're making ANOTHER movie after this one??!" He so doesn't get it.
And yet I look at the picture of Charlie and think there is so much right there! LOL
Love your recap and that I got some updates along the way!
Like you, I think that Stephenie showing up would have been the highlight.
Gah! So fabulous, thanks for letting us all live vicariously through your twiventures. I soooooo want to be there next year.
xo J
Sounds like an absolute blast!
How terrible about Kellan's donuts, I hope he donated them somewhere worthy, that's a shitload of donuts otherwise!
TwiKiwiFifty-He twittered something about a homeless shelter. I'm sure he didn't let those crispy cremes go to waste! I'm actually glad that sticky donuts weren't added to the crush of people we had to negotiate through to get a glimpse. It took us three attempts to get a picture with him. When it appeared that he was going to miss our section AGAIN, Twi daughter Megan dejectedly said, "You're skipping us again for the third time :( Honestly I barely heard her and I was standing right next to her. Kellan had already gone past us but he DID hear her. He turned around, said "Oh no I'm not!" and he pulled her in for the biggest hug and made sure she got a picture. This is the kind of thing that makes it all worth it!
I can't wait to do this next year - hopefully with you and your crazy crew. I am so glad I was able to share some of this year with you. Excellent pictures :)
Jen - Mark your calendar!
Twifixx - Yep, best BookClub meeting we've had :)
(so far)
DD - Looking forward to next year with you!
kiTT - I saw your comment in my email alert, but it isn't showing here. That must mean either you're wrote in invisible ink or Blogger wants you to use your real picture as your avi. Thx for the sweet comment <3
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