When 17foreverLisa visited me during Comic-Con week, one of the must-do items on our list was to make the pilgrimage to Madame Tussaud’s Wax Museum in Hollywood to pay homage to WaxRob. However, we were disappointed to learn that he was away on an extended vacation. Do not fret though, because the kind staff member we spoke to reassured us that a refurbished WaxRob would return in time for the November premiere of Breaking Dawn (we were quite obviously not the first people to ask her this question). Apparently he is at some sort of wax figure rejuvenation spa, recuperating from all the groping, hair tugging, and leg-hitching that he’s been mercilessly subjected to over the past year (I may or may not be referring to last year’s BookClub field trip). He’s not at rehab, despite what you may have heard. Hopefully Rob’s doppelganger will return not only well-rested and ready for another year of Twitard-inspired shenanigans, but also will more closely resemble the perfection that is the real life RPatz.
Even though WaxRob couldn’t be there to play with us, his wax friends still showed us a good time.
Mrs. P and Forrest Gump go together like peas and carrots
It's so hard to believe that Dwayne Johnson is this big in real life!

Despite what you may have heard, this was our first time behind bars
We spent the rest of our most wonderful day checking out Grauman’s Chinese Theater and the Hollywood sign, eating at the In-N-Out restaurant where Rob said he used to sit in the parking lot and read scripts (yeah, we’re not freaks at all) and then Twifixx joined us for a BookClub “meeting” at the ZAnyMouse House.
Good friends, good times (and isn’t Z’s backyard beautiful?)

The real thing
Thank you to ZAnyMouse and TwiloveSis for letting me use some of your pictures!