This show was a solo, acoustic set with just Bobby singing while playing the guitar and harmonica. It was easily one of the best performances I’ve ever seen. He performed most of the songs from his new CD and also several he was trying out live for the first time. We got such a great glimpse of his personality as he talked about why he wrote each song and shared many personal and hilarious stories. The story that made us laugh the hardest was "this morning I went to the doctor and got two shots in me ass." Not that it was funny that he'd been so sick, but he kept telling us more and more about the visit and you just can't not laugh when you hear "ass cheeks" in a British accent.
You know how sometimes in interviews how Rob goes off on odd tangents or says things that you suspect he's making up just to keep things interesting? Bobby did that too. Sometimes he'd stop in the middle of a story and say, "Nah, I'm just f***ing with you." He talked about so many random things like his first job, going on holiday as a kid with his family, hanging around London with his mates, and he demonstrated his terrible Australian accent. He kept saying that was the most he'd talked in the last 6 months. It really was a one of a kind experience.
After the show, Bobby went into the guitar shop to sign autographs and pose for pictures with everyone. I can’t remember what we talked about, but I’m sure I said something dorky.
Bobby and TwiloveSue (I’ll confess, I was standing on my toes. He’s really tall!)
Twi-daughter Nicole
Bobby signed his CD and, for the life of me, I can’t figure out what he wrote. Any guesses? All the best? M Me Rel? I’m not Rob?
We weren’t allowed to take pictures during the show, so this would make for a short post if I didn’t have anything else to share. Luckily, I think the time is right for me to tell you about the secret emails that Rob has been sending me for the past few years. It’s like he knows when I can use an encouraging word or something pretty to look at. Yeah, sure, some of you might think it’s really Twifixx and her magical iphone, but I prefer to think that Rob always has the BookClub on his mind. These are but a few of the pictures "he" has sent to ZAnyMouse, Twifixx and me.

Valentine’s Day
Mother’s Day

Having a bad day

ANY day

ZAnyMouse, Twifixx and I had a girl’s weekend at this fabulous Victorian-style hotel last year. We didn’t see any ghosts (it’s reportedly haunted) but we did happen to glance out the window and catch Bel Ami Rob strolling the grounds (hopefully this picture came out clear enough that you can spot us creeping in the window).

And because I love Jumping Rob to death, I’ll end with this picture courtesy of ZAnyMouse. Seriously, these will never get old!
TwiloveSue XOXO
P.S. Don’t forget to Walk with Mrs P!