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Thursday, December 8, 2011

Tent City Warriors Part 2 – Yep, That Was Me Sleeping On National Television

By day 4 of Tent City hobo life, I could officially say that I had seen the Breaking Dawn trailer at least 1,000,017 times on the big Nokia screens and spent way more time at Starbucks than I ever thought possible. However, I still hadn’t figured out why Summit wanted to know my blood type when I registered for my Breaking Dawn premiere wristband. Seriously, they really did ask us that. I speculated that it was either because Tent City residents were being considered as a vampire food source or they were preparing for emergency transfusions in case of blood shed during the frenzy to get close to Robert Pattinson at the premiere.

Me (on the right) with my best pals and partners-in-crime, ZAnyMouse and Twifixx - The BookClub.

Our camping mates (aka the HBG Girls, named in honor of Kristen’s hot bodyguard) were in charge of “media relations” for our group. Here’s Lyn_sey_Gail being interviewed while looking through our face-in-hole stand. I love it that Edward/Jacob/Faceless Bella were featured in lots of interviews and photos.

17foreverLisa, TwiloveSue, DangrDafne

TwiloveSue and Director Bill Condon

Our second to last full day of camping ended with a showing of Eclipse on the big screen and then, around midnight, we had to relocate camp (Tent City #1) across the street to the Staples Center Plaza (renamed Tent City #4 - don't you love their creativity?) so they could take down the ginormous tent and set up for the premiere. It was hard sleeping through the overnight construction noise (beep, beep, beep….), not to mention that it was soooooo cold. Yes, I know I'm a wimpy Southern Californian and anything under 70 degrees seems chilly to me, but I literally woke up a few times because my teeth were chattering so loudly. Imagine the Eclipse tent scene without Edward or Jacob and that was me.

We pretty much got used to seeing (and dodging) the media who were constantly wandering around camp, but they were especially difficult to avoid when we awoke to hoards of them on the morning before the premiere. Summit provided breakfast and brought several Breaking Dawn cast members to visit camp for one last PR opportunity.

Jackson Rathbone

Jackson cracked us up when he signed ZAnyMouse’s poster because he giggled and pointed out "I signed on Bella's butt! Shhhhh....."

We also met the actresses who play new vampires Tanya and Kate Denali. They were both super nice and quite beautiful, and took their time visiting everyone who wanted to meet them. I think they were a little surprised by all the Twilight love they were getting.

Twi-daughter Nicole and MyAnna Buring (Tanya)

TwiloveSue and MyAnna

Twi-daughter Nicole and Casey LaBow (Kate)

It was great seeing Boo Boo Stewart again because he is always so friendly and genuinely adorable. I swear to you, he IS Seth.

TwiloveSue and Boo Boo

Twi-daughter Nicole and Boo Boo

ZAnyMouse and Boo Boo

After Boo Boo finished pictures and autographs with us, I was talking to his Dad (a huge, scary looking guy who also functions as his body guard) and complimented him on what a sweet, friendly kid he has and how he wins over everyone he meets. His Dad smiled and said, "That's because he's drunk." So funny.

Peter Facinelli was super handsome, but you could tell his heart really wasn’t in it. Maybe he was mad that someone made him wear a bunch of make-up.

Apparently Peter was having some sort of a dilemma deciding where to sign my poster.

Twi-daughters Nicole and Megan with one of the new Wolfpackers (couldn't find his name on IMDB, but he plays either Brady or Collin). While they were having this picture taken, his Dad (trying to coach him on proper fan etiquette) reminded him, “Both arms, son.” The girls later said they felt just a little awkward and creepy cause he was so young. Yeah, right. Welcome to my world.

By the time afternoon hit, we were exhausted from the excitement and general lack of sleep of the past several days, so decided to just relax for awhile. And that is how ZAnyMouse and I ended up sleeping on television.

So much for my efforts to avoid getting caught on camera, because several people emailed me by the end of the day to say they spotted me on the news and various websites in this and many other shots. CullenaryCurser even sent me a link where our sleeping picture won the dubious honor of being one of the “16 Most Unsettling Photos from Twilight Premieres”. Yay us. At least I held on to my last shred of dignity and declined to put on a wedding dress in the Yahoo Twilight Lounge and have my picture taken with cardboard Edward.

Eventually we decided that rather than wait to tear down camp at 6am the next morning, it would make way better sense to check into a hotel to get a good night's sleep before the premiere (although I was just a teeny bit ashamed for abandoning camp early). There were no more activities scheduled at camp and we weren’t due back until the next afternoon to be herded into metal pens on the black carpet.

If there were an award for the best tent sign, it would definitely have gone to the gals from Robsessed for this one!

See you next week for my next post… the Breaking Dawn premiere!!

TwiloveSue XOXO


SidewalkCandy said...

Great post, as always, Sue! At least you weren't doing anything embarrassing while paparazzi was secretly filming you. And the one of Zany that ended up on Perez Hilton could have had something way dirtier than a "thought bubble" sitting on her we basically came away unscathed by the media. Yay us! Another successful (and partially stealthy) mission. :D


Zanymouse said...

That last night in the tent was absolutely brutal, and I think I have finally thawed out. I might have been tempted to go Team Jacob for one night, in the interest of preventing frost bite....Nah, not even then.

You and me sleeping together - not nearly as sexy as it sounds.

TwiloveSue said...

Twifixx - Another epic win for Team BookClub and it wouldn't have been the same without you :)

Z - I'm so sad you're not willing to be my space heater. I'll bet Twifixx would have stepped up to the plate. Just saying.

Powerpuffgirll said...

i am soooo stoked about going next year, you girls need to do a post of the dos and dont of tent city, i have no idea what to pack, when to get there, etc etc, i need details from you ladie, and the part i cant wait for the most {other than seeing the precious in the flesh) is meeting all of you crazy beautiful women!!!!!
cant ait for the next post!!!!

Zanymouse said...

@TwiloveSue - I can be easily bribed with Pop Tarts and brownie bites.

Dangrdafne said...

I just love your write ups and all your gorgeous pictures. The Jackson ones are amazing. I miss you and I hope I can see you soon. When is the next Twilight event???

TwiloveSue said...

Powerpuffgirll - Hey there, how've you been??! That's awesome you're gonna camp next year and I like your idea about a do/don't post. Just let me know if you have any questions in the meantime!

Z - I heard that you were easy, but this confirms it ;)

DD - I have no idea when the next Twi event is and am already having serious withdrawls. Miss you too!

Jenny Jerkface said...

I love all these pictures and I always enjoy hearing about your adventures!!

I give you ladies TONS of credit for doing stuff like this.

Love you guys!

Snarkier Than You said...

This was an awesome read and just what I needed to perk me up a bit after finding out that BD is mostly out of the theaters in my neck of the woods - boo! Glad you had a good time and MOSTLY avoided getting caught - lol... Shame PFach was having an off day - you are so right, though - you can really see it in the photos that he doesn't have his usual pizzazz or whatever it is that separates actors from mere mortals. But still cute...

: )

Can't wait for the next one! Hope I won't be so damn late in reading it!