To quote Tink over at
“It’s common knowledge around here that Rob is our Oprah. When he reads something, we wanna check it out. Talks about a movie, we rent it. Mentions musicians, we add them to our playlist.”
And as an unapologetic Robert Pattinson minion… when I heard that his friend Lee MacDougall was headed my way on tour, I knew I needed to check him out. If you don’t recognize the name, Lee is another member of Rob’s epic circle of friends travelling around out there making great music along with Bobby Long, Sam Bradley and Marcus Foster.
Let me just say, Lee is ridiculously talented and his music blew me away. His voice is sort of a cross between Rod Stewart and the Beatles, and he describes himself in his Twitter profile as a “singer of short stories/guitar strumming wandering minstrel.” He truly has a gift for telling a musical story with melody, heart, and humor. It may also have won me over that you can hear his lovely accent while he sings... Lee’s CDs have pretty much become the soundtrack to my life over the past few months and even my kids are unconsciously singing along. And bonus for us that he’s a handsome guy with an adorable and humble personality.
***Private note to Lee in the off-chance that he ever sees this: I’m sitting in my little fangirl bubble right now trying very hard not to think about you reading this post and then running away from America screaming in terror, never to return again. Please don’t think I’m the scary kind of stalker (cause having a benevolent stalker is so much better… right?)***

Here’s where you can find him!
Earlier this month, I saw Lee perform three times over the course of a week (please refer to the earlier declaration that I am benevolent and not scary. Don’t judge) and wish I could have gone to even more. In keeping with my unofficial tradition of non-timely and out of order posts, I’ll tell you about the second show now and save my reports on the private Lee MacDougall/Sam Bradley/Marcus Foster gig at Lake Arrowhead and Lee’s performance in the Secret Upstairs Room at the Lebanese Hookah bar for another day.
If you’ve never been to the Hotel Café, you absolutely must go if you have the chance. It’s one of those dark, classic Hollywood clubs with a back alley entrance, intimate performance area and great vibe - the perfect place to showcase an acoustic performance.

I brought ZAnyMouse along with me and we were super late getting there because I hit total Carmageddon on the way to LA. When we finally arrived, the first performer had already finished and Lee was on stage doing his soundcheck (aaagh!!). As we worked our way towards the stage in hope of finding a close place to stand on the side, a girl walked right over and asked if we wanted her seats… at the front center table about 3 feet from the stage. Then the waitress magically walked over to take our drink orders and Lee started performing. Seriously, I know that was my Fairy Godmother looking out for me again (in case you missed the last time she took care of me, you can read HERE about how she gave me a wristband to the Rob, Kristen and Taylor Meet & Greet at Comic-Con).

Lee sounded so great, performing songs from his CDs and accompanying himself on guitar. He always sings with great joy and it was no surprise to me it only took ZAnyMouse approximately 2.5 seconds to fall in love with him (er…um… I mean his music) like I had. It seemed a good part of the crowd was there to see the bands performing later that night, but there was an enthusiastic group there just for Lee and I think he really appreciated it. He even dedicated his last song to the "woo girls" down in front.

At one point when he came down from the stage to walk through the audience while singing "My Story," the whole room went dead silent because it was just so powerful. And in keeping with his humble/witty personality, he apologized afterwards for interrupting people’s conversations. He also told a funny story onstage about how he’d hiked up to the Hollywood sign the day before with his tour manager and friends to take pictures in front of the sign while doing the YMCA arm motions.

After the show, Z and I went out to the lobby to say hello to Lee before leaving. I started to introduce myself and I don't know what else I was about to say, but he interrupted me and said, "I remember you." I got all Bella-stuttery and said, "You do? No you don't.... Really?!" and then he smiled at me kind of indulgently and said, "It's only been a few days." I suppose it doesn’t take a long time to identify your stalkers, no matter how benevolent they may be. My picture is probably posted inside the merchandise booth with a warning sign.

Yes, this one... TwiloveSue. Be wary of her.

And don’t trust her shifty sidekick ZAnyMouse either.
We talked to Lee for a bit and, of course, got a little gushy telling him how wonderful the show was and how much we love his music. I believe Z even confessed that she hears his music while she’s dreaming. He was just so nice and never made me feel out of place despite my age (*cringe*) and utter lack of coolness. You can tell he genuinely enjoys being on tour and meeting his fans.
And to further prove what an awesome guy he is, he even replied to my thank you tweet later that week:
So, to sum up, your assignment is to find Lee on Youtube, buy a CD on his website and go see one of his shows ASAP because:
1. He’s an undiscovered talent and I promise you will love what you hear
2. He’s the nicest guy ever
3. Rob would want you to
TwiloveSue XOXO
aka The Benevolent Stalker
P.S. Thank you to Socalmom2four for performing her Tumblr magic on this picture I took at the Breaking Dawn Convention:

More original photos coming soon!